Third Party and Supplier List - Data Sharing
We do not share information about pupils or staff with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. Where it is legally required or necessary (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information about persons with:
- Accelerated Reader
- Access
- Apple (ipads)
- Atlantic Data Ltd
- Braiswick Photographers
- Charanga (music)
- CPOMS/Safeguarding
- Department for Education (DfE)
- Espresso
- Edenred (National FSM voucher scheme)
- Educator Solutions
- FFT (Fisher Family Trust)
- Governorhub
- ICT Solutions (Norfolk)
- Junior Librarian (library software system)
- Little Wondle
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Office 365
- NCC Budget Planner (Cloud)
- NCC Star Accounts (Cloud)
- Norfolk County Council - Children's Services (Education)
- Norfolk Disclosures
- NFER (reception baseline)
- Operation Encompass (information sharing around domestic abuse)
- OSHENS (accident reporting and monitoring)
- Parentpay
- Primary Site
- Pupil Asset - Management Informatio System
- Purple Mash
- Redstor
- Tapestry
- Times Table Rock Stars
- Twinkl
- Wonde