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Spring 2 focus books - Animal Kingdom

Homes around the World - 08-02-24

In our Literacy learning this week, we have been reading a story called 'A place called home'. We have explored various homes all around the World and talked about how they differ / are similar to our homes. 

We have all had a go at drawing what our home looks like, as well as adding some labels to show different things in our home. The children have all thought really carefully about what house they live in, whether it is a bungalow, one with an upstairs, what colour it is and how many windows they can see. Google maps has been very helpful in order for them to do this!!

World Nursery Rhyme Week - WC 13-11-23

This week it is World Nursery Rhyme week. Every day we have listened to/learnt to a different Nursery Rhyme week. We have completed various activities relating to each nursery rhyme! 

Monday - Jack and Jill.   Tuesday - Hickory Dickory Dock.   Wednesday - Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.   Thursday - Row, Row, Row your boat.   Friday - Wheels on the bus. 

Handa's Surprise - 02-11-23

Today in English we read the story Handa's Surprise. In the story, Handa carries a basket of fruit to her friend Akeyo. As each fruit was mentioned in the story, Miss Tims showed us that she had each of them in her secret bag! We enjoyed taking it in turns to feel and describe each fruit.

Lilliana described the orange as 'squishy'.

A described the pineapple as 'spiky'. 

Lucas described the banana as 'squishy' and 'cold. 

Aila described the avocado as 'bumpy'. 

Next we got to taste the fruit! We were all very adventurous and keen to try fruits we hadn't tried before! 

National Poetry Day - 05-10-2023

Today is National Poetry Day! To celebrate, we enjoyed sharing lots of poems together from the poetry book 'Zim, Zam, Zoom'. We spent some time learning what a poem is and played a fun game where we had to find the rhyming words! We then enjoyed a performance from Year 1 and Year 2 who had both learnt poems. We really enjoyed watching them share their poems.