Understanding the World
Chick cuddles! - 29-04-24
We all enjoyed having lots of lovely chick cuddles today!
Science: Chicks! 22-04-24
On Monday, we had a very special delivery in Reception class of 10 eggs! The eggs were placed into an incubator and we had to patiently wait and observe to see what happened. On Wednesday, they finally hatched. We were so lucky to watch the chicks hatching. We have 9 chicks in total! The children have named all 9 chicks and have enjoyed watching them eat, drink and play with each other. They are excited for chick cuddles next week!
Science: Sunflower Seeds - 25-04-24
In Science this half term, we have started looking at the lifecycle of a plant. We have also been labelling and identifying parts of a plant. This week, we had a go at planting our own sunflower seeds. We thought carefully about what they would need in order to grow. We are looking forward to observing them over the next couple of week to see if they grow!
Wroxham Barns! - 15-03-24
We had such a great day today at Wroxham Barns! Emily showed us around the farm and talked to us about each animal. We were so lucky to be able to feed the goats, sheep, alpacas, cows and see some pigs! We also got to pet the guinea pigs and rabbits. What a fantastic day!
Rackheath Vets visit! - 14-03-24
Today we had a visit from Chris who works at Rackheath Vets. He brought along his friend Wolfie who was very poorly. The children had to use their senses to help find out what was wrong with him! After this, the children were able to use stethoscopes to listen to their hearts and then play a game where they had to guess what was in the sock using their senses!
Mini beast hunt - 01-03-24
Our focus book this week is 'Mad about Minibeasts'. We have been learning lots about different minibeasts and creating fact files about our favourites. Today, we went outside on a mini beast hunt. We used a table to record our findings. We found lots of worms, ants, spiders, ladybirds and flies! The children did some super recording using tally marks!
Shrove Tuesday!
This week the children have been learning all about Shrove Tuesday. We enjoyed learning about how different Countries around the world enjoy it too! We read a story called 'The Big Pancake' which really reminded us all of 'The gingerbread man'. Then, the children had lots of fun making pancakes themselves. They made the batter and even had a turn at flipping a pancake. They enjoyed tasting the pancakes with lemon or sugar!
Food around the World - 01-02-24
We have been finding out so much about the World around us over the last few weeks. We've read so many lovely stories which have helped us to understand how lives in other countries may be different to ours. This week, we read a really lovely story called 'Let's eat! Mealtime around the World'. We found out about so many different foods that we may come across in different parts of the World. This inspired us to taste/make some of the different foods we heard about!
We started off by making our own scones which we enjoyed tasting with some jam!
We also tried:
Tandoori chicken
Yoghurt with jam
Potato soup
We had so much fun!
Geography - 11-01-24
This week in Geography we have been thinking about our new topic of 'All Around the World'.
We thought about all of the places we have heard of before, been before or had relatives go. We came up with some fantastic ideas. We then worked together to plot our names on the map to show each place we've heard of/been to! We were amazed how full our map was.
Police visit - 22-11-23
Reception and Year 1 had a very exciting visit from some Police Officers from Norfolk Constabulary this week. They enjoyed sitting in the police car, turning on the lights, dressing up and finding out all about the role of a Police Officer.
Diwali 06-11-23
We have learnt all about Diwali in RE this week. We created our own Diwali lamps using paper plates, gems and coloured paper.
Remembrance Day Poppies 06-11-23
This week in History we have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We have been finding ways to create Poppies in the classroom.
Science - Seasons - 19-10-2023
This week in Science we have been learning about the 4 seasons, Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. We talked about what may happen in each season and what the trees/environment may look like.
Autumn - The trees will begin to change colour, leaves will turn orange/red and start to fall. The mornings will start to get darker!
Winter - The snow may begin to fall and the trees will have no leaves on them. It will be dark earlier in the mornings and evenings.
Spring - We may notice trees starting to blossom, lots of pretty colours. Animals such as sheep will have babies (lambs!)
Summer - The trees will be full and green. The weather will be sunny and the nights will be lighter for longer.
Here are some of our 'Seasonal Trees' paintings. Can you guess which season we are representing?
Our Amazing Bodies - 12-10-2023
Today in Science we had so much fun learning about our bodies. We spent some time talking about what we already know about our bodies before then finding out things we didn't know. We then drew around 2 children from our class on a big piece of paper.
We worked in 2 groups to label the body thinking carefully about what we have inside and outside of our bodies!
Exploring our senses - 05-10-2023
Today in Science we enjoyed exploring our senses. Last week we explored sight and hearing by going outside to find out what we could see and hear.
Today we explored touch, taste and smell. This was so much fun.
TOUCH - Miss Tims set up various touch trays for us to explore. We enjoyed feeling jelly, water beads, lego, marshmallows, playdoh, pompoms, ice, rice and pasta. Some of the trays we had to feel with our hands and others we had to feel with our feet!
Each bowl was covered with some tin foil so we couldn't see. Through the tiny holes, we had to try and guess what we were smelling. We then got to taste it! We smelt/tasted - bread, lemon, raspberries, raisins, strawberry yoghurt and curry sauces. Some of us were not too sure on some of the flavours (especially the lemon!!)
My family
In our Understanding the World learning we have been thinking about our families.
We have spent lots of time talking about who is in our family and how all families are different.
We read 2 lovely stories which helped our understanding and discussions.