Expressive Arts and Design
Art - Nature pictures: 01-05-24
We had a lovely sunny afternoon exploring art using natural resources today. We were tasked with creating pictures using natural resources such as sticks, leaves, stones, grass etc. We were very creative. We made pictures such as faces (angry, happy, sad), dinosaurs and aliens!
Shoebox Dioramas - 11/03/24
Our focus book for the last couple of weeks has been 'Commotion in the Ocean'. We have enjoyed learning about lots of under water creatures and researching different facts about them. We've also been creating our own under water shoebox dioramas. They look fantastic!
Space! - 30/01/24
As part of our 'All around the World' topic, we have been keen to learn more about space! This week, we learnt about the different planets in our solar system. We created our own planets using oil pastels and black paper! We also created an alien which we secured to a lolly stick. After cutting a small slit in the middle of our planet, we were then able to move our alien back and forth!
Guy Fawkes - 02/11/23
Today we learnt all about Guy Fawkes and his failed gunpowder plot. We understood that this is why on the 5th November each year we celebrate with bonfires and fireworks. We created our own fantastic firework pictures using black paper, paint and toilet roll tubes!