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Welcome to EYFS!

Spring 1

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all.

This half term, our topic is 'Around the World'. Take a look at our Curriculum Map to find out more about our learning.

New reading groups will begin on Tuesday. Please can you ensure book bags are in daily so we can send books home. In Phonics, we will be beginning to look at our Phase 3 Sounds.

PE will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. We will not be starting PE until next Monday (13th) so please ensure PE kits are here by then.

As you know, we do try and get outside everyday in all weathers. Most children have wellies here already. Please ensure that children have appropriate clothing to go outside in. We do have spare waterproofs if needed.

As always if you have any questions please do let me know. I look forward to seeing you all in the morning!

Best wishes

Miss Tims

Autumn 2

I hope everyone had a great half term. This next half term is always a busy time for us in Reception!

Our topic for Autumn 2 is 'Festivals and Celebrations'. Take a look at our Curriculum Map to find out more about our learning.

Drawing Club will continue to be used. It has been so wonderful to see how excited the children are to be introduced to a new book / new vocabulary each week. Their imagination is just incredible! 

Of course, this half term the children will also be learning lots about Christmas! They will take part in our Nativity Performance in December. Keep an eye out for the dates/tickets for this nearer to the time!

P.E will continue to be on Monday and Tuesday so please ensure that P.E kits are in school. Also a reminder that as the weather changes, waterproof coats and wellies may be needed so please ensure these are also at school.

Reading books (Little Wandle) will continue to be sent home on a Friday and will be collected on a Monday. Sharing books will be changed every Monday as normal too.

As always, if you have any questions, please do let me know!

Best wishes
Miss Tims

Autumn 1

Myself and Miss Lawrence are looking forward to welcoming you on Wednesday 4th September 2024. We will meet you on the front playground at 8:45am.

For the first week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), children will be in school until 12pm. From Monday 9th September, children will be in full time (8:45am - 3:20pm).

We will be holding a short 'Meet the Teacher' session in the first couple of weeks, where I will talk about the EYFS curriculum and our timetable.

Tapestry will be used as our communication platform so please keep an eye out for weekly updates and any messages. 

If you have any questions, please do get in touch!

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday. 

Best Wishes

Miss Tims